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第118章 卷14


马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 十四

“我真的非常抱歉,杰克。” 布莱克县治安官安迪?阿赫恩说道,“如果我当时在这儿,这种事就不会发生了。很抱歉你被关进了监狱。但是乔很冲动。他当副警长才几个月,而且他热爱自己的工作。”

“I’m sorry as hell, Jake,” Andy Ahearn, sheriff of blake county, was saying. “It’d never have happened if I’d been here myself. I’m sorry you got thrown in the jail. but Joe’s impetuous. he’s only been a deputy for a coupla months, and he loves his work.”


Jake said, “well, maybe I oughtn’t to have busted him one in the nose. but he made me sore. he said I was either drunk or bats, and I lost my temper. disorderly conduct, the dirty bum! I ought to bust him again for throwing me in your damn jail.”

“乔是个非常紧张的人。” 安迪?阿赫恩说。

“Joe’s an awful nervous fellow,” Andy Ahearn said.

“此外。” 杰克?贾斯特痛苦地补充道,“我和狱卒玩皮诺奇牌输了两美元。”

“besides,” Jake Justus added bitterly, “I lost two bucks playing pinochle with the jailer.”

“他是个很棒的皮诺奇牌玩家。” 安迪说。他又补充道,好像是在提供补偿,“喝一杯吗?”

“he’s a good pinochle player,” Andy said. he added, as though offering reparations, “have a drink?”

“当然。” 杰克说,希望安迪?阿赫恩的杜松子酒自他上次来后质量有所提高。但并没有。

“Sure,” Jake said, hoping the quality of Andy Ahearn’s gin had improved since his last visit. It hadn’t.

“我真的对此很抱歉,杰克。” 治安官又说了一遍,“乔也很抱歉。如果我当时在这儿……”

“I really am sorry about this, Jake,” the sheriff said again. “Joe, he’s sorry too. If I’d been here myself—”

“当然,我们都很抱歉。” 杰克说,“你抱歉,他抱歉,我也抱歉,只有狱卒高兴,他赢了两美元。忘了它吧。这是个很棒的监狱。现在坦白这里发生的这起谋杀案,我们就两清了。”

“Sure, we’re all sorry,” Jake said. “You’re sorry, he’s sorry, I’m sorry, nobody’s happy but the jailer, he won two bucks. Forget it. It’s a swell jail. Now e clean about this murder you’ve had out here and we’ll call it square.”


Ahearn stared at him. “Jeez, Jake, maybe you are nuts.”


“e on, Andy, I’ve done favors for you in the past. besides, I’m not working for any newspaper now. I got a reliable tip you’d had a homicide out here that wasn’t breaking into print.”


“where did you get the tip?”

“一个我认识的人。” 杰克犹豫了一下,然后摇了摇头。没必要把马龙牵扯进来。“一个不重要的人。”

“Fellow I know.” Jake hesitated, then shook his head. No use dragging malone into this. “No one important.”

“好吧,” 阿赫恩说,“如果你不想说,就不用说。但是我们这里唯一的一起谋杀案是三个月前,一个暴徒在酒馆斗殴中脑袋被打破了。”

“All right,” Ahearn said, “you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. but the only murder we’ve had out here was three months ago when some goon got his dome split in a tavern brawl.”

“这是千真万确的吗?” 杰克问道。

“Is that the honest-to-God?” Jake demanded.

“你觉得我会对你说谎吗?” 安迪?阿赫恩用受伤的声音问道。他又补充道,“见鬼,这里一直很平静,伙计们为了保持状态都在互相逮捕。” 他给来访者的杯子里倒了一大杯杜松子酒。

“You don’t think I’d lie to you?” Andy Ahearn asked in a hurt voice. he added, “hell, things have been so quiet out here the boys have been arresting each other just to keep in practice.” he poured a generous slug of gin into his visitor’s glass.

“谢谢。” 杰克说。

“thanks,” Jake said.


Andy Ahearn went on, “If you don’t believe it, you can look through every record in the place.”


Jake shook his head. “I’ll take your word for it. Somebody gave me a lousy steer, that’s all.”

“太糟糕了。” 治安官同情地说。

“too bad,” the sheriff said sympathetically.


they spent a few minutes in reminiscent talk, and Jake rose to go.

“嘿,” 安迪?阿赫恩说,“我听说你娶了那个来自枫树公园的金发女孩 —— 布兰德小姐。恭喜啊。”

“Say,” Andy Ahearn said. “I hear you married that blonde girl from maple park—miss brand. congrats.”

“现在都结束了,” 杰克说,“我们分手了。” 他想知道还要多少年他才能平静地说出这句话并且是真心这么认为。

“that’s all over now,” Jake said. “we split up.” he wondered how many years it would be before he’d be able to say it calmly and mean it that way.

“所以呢?” 安迪?阿赫恩说。他停顿了一下。“你没告诉我啊。” 他又停顿了一下。“嗯,这就是我对婚姻一直以来的看法。今天在,明天就没了。”

“So?” Andy Ahearn said. he paused. “You don’t tell me.” he paused again. “well, that’s what I always say about marriage. here today and gone tomorrow.”


outside the courthouse, Jake paused and looked around. he considered telephoning malone and calling him a few names, and then decided it would be far more satisfactory to wait and do it more fully in person.


Andy Ahearn could have been lying to him. And if he were covering up, the records wouldn’t show anything. he’d been suspiciously willing to show those records. Jake decided that since he was already out here, there was no harm in nosing around a little. the mcclane estate was only a few miles away, in maple park. he didn’t know what might be found there, but it couldn’t hurt to take a quick look.


he hailed one of the local taxis and told the driver to leave him near the mcclane place. then he leaned back and tried to decide what to do when he got there. he not only didn’t know what he expected to find, he didn’t even know where to look for it.


Signs of a struggle, perhaps? with two feet of snow on top! or a body, just carelessly left around. he reminded himself that such a murder wouldn’t conform to the terms of mona’s bet anyway. No sense in tramping all over a square mile or two of snow, looking for the guy mona mcclane had murdered. It might not even be a guy. might be a gal. might be the Siamese twins. he wondered what helene would do if she were here.


helene, he knew, would probably insist on going over every square inch of the place with a magnifying glass.


the two sides of the mcclane estate that bordered on the street were bounded by a high grillwork fence. Jake walked along it until at last he came to a small service gate that was unlocked, in spite of the fact that the house was closed up for the winter.


he went in, closing the gate behind him, and stood wondering where to go first. Ahead of him, a wide, dazzling expanse of unbroken white swept up to a little rise in the ground, where the house stood, a massive, gray-stone affair, pleasantly softened by the drifted snow. the trees around it were bare and leafless; here and there heaps of discolored snow indicated the location of shrubs and bushes.


As far as he could tell, no one had been here for weeks. A narrow path, showing faintly through the snow, led along the side of the iron fence, and he followed it, looking for any indication he might find of some recent visitor. there was none. the path finally passed through a little clump of trees, and Jake found himself confronted with a high stone wall that separated the mcclane estate from the one immediately south of it.

杰克记起来了,那应该是文宁家的地方。他沿着墙边走,直到来到一扇嵌在石头里的小铁门处。门没锁。他犹豫了一下,然后推开门,出于一种突然而又无法解释的冲动,走进了文宁家的院子。他记得文宁一家当时和莫娜?麦克莱恩一起呆在城里,而且在那两起谋杀案发生时 —— 不只是他知道的那两起,还有他想查清楚的那一起 —— 他们都是那家人中的成员。

that would be the Venning place, Jake remembered. he followed the path along the wall until he reached a small iron gate set in the stone. It was unlatched. he hesitated a moment, then pushed it open and entered the Venning grounds, on a sudden, unexplainable impulse. he remembered that the Vennings were staying in town with mona mcclane and had been members of the household at the time of the murders—not only the two murders he knew about, but the one he wanted to find out about.


In the center of the Venning grounds was an immense, wooden house. Jake looked at it curiously and wondered if it might have been put there to frighten architects. It was almost too ugly to be pleasantly funny; it had a kind of sinister, gloomy horror. Immediately before it was what he guessed might be a patterned garden in summer, now a series of bulges and depressions in the snow.


he looked again at the house and reflected that it was no wonder Venning had stayed away for twenty years.


he walked across the lawn, swearing impotently at the snow that crept up under his trouser leg, and skirted the house. behind it, an archway in a yew hedge led into another of the broad lawns that seemed to characterize the maple park landscape. he took a few steps across it and stopped suddenly.


there was a woman, tall, and dressed in black, standing just before a grove of trees that ran along one edge of the lawn. he stared at her for a moment, wondering if she were real, or something cooked up by Andy Ahearn’s gin. the leafless trees behind her were dark and shadowy, before her the snow was an unbroken, dazzling white.


Suddenly he became conscious of the murky gloom of the day and the heavy clouds that hung low overhead.


the woman took a few steps forward. Even at a little distance he saw that her lined, haggard face had once been beautiful. he remembered malone’s descriptions of mona mcclane’s house guests and realized that this might be Editha Venning.

“你是谁?” 她微微皱着眉头问道。

“who are you?” she asked, frowning slightly.


“I’m Jake Justus.”


“oh, I’ve heard of you from mona mcclane.”


“You’re mrs. Venning, aren’t you?”


She nodded, looking past him at the clouds.

“我看到门开着,” 杰克说,“我就想进来看看这里。希望你别介意。”

“I saw the gate was open,” Jake said, “and I thought I’d just take a look at the place here. I hope you don’t mind.”


She shook her head.

“我对园林设计很感兴趣。” 杰克告诉她。

“I’m very interested in landscape gardening,” Jake told her.


She didn’t seem to care. She didn’t seem to object to his presence, indeed, she seemed almost to wele it. She nodded again, slowly, as though he had explained everything satisfactorily.

“我来这儿……” 她停顿了一下,犹豫了一会儿,然后说,“我在找东西。”

“I came out here—” She paused, hesitated a moment, and then said, “I’m looking for something.”

“也许我能帮你。” 杰克礼貌地说。

“perhaps I can help you,” Jake said politely.


She stared at him with her immense, tragic eyes as though she had already forgotten who he was.


Jake waited a minute and then said, “may I help you?”

“我在找……”—— 她又犹豫了一下 ——“我丈夫的坟墓。”

“I’m looking”—again she hesitated—“for my husband’s grave.”

杰克眨了眨眼。“恐怕我不知道那在哪里,” 他温柔地说,“我以前从没来过这儿。不过我很乐意帮你找。”

Jake blinked. “I’m afraid I don’t know where that is,” he said gently. “I’ve never been out here before. but I’ll be glad to help you look.”

她感激地对他笑了笑。“请吧。我一个人在这儿有点害怕。而且我从莫娜那里听说过你,所以我们并不是真正的陌生人。” 笑容消失了。“我想是在这条路下去,穿过树林。”

She smiled at him gratefully. “please do. I’m a little timid about being here alone. And I have heard about you from mona, so we aren’t really strangers.” the smile faded. “I think it’s down this way, through the trees.”


they had gone at least twenty steps down the path before Jake suddenly realized what she had said.


her husband’s grave.


the last he had heard, michael Venning was alive and apparently in the best of health.


he wondered just what to do under the circumstances. the woman seemed to know what she was doing. or did she? he had an unnerving thought that he might be alone in these gloomy woods with a madwoman, just after two murders had already been mitted. She looked good and strong, too.


he resisted an impulse to call out and ask, “pardon me. mrs. Venning, but are you sure it’s your husband’s grave that you’re looking for?”


he resisted an even stronger impulse to turn around and run like hell for the gate.


the woods that bordered the Venning estate grew thicker. half neglected as they had been for twenty years, they were heavy with underbrush and weeds. Jake discovered that, looking back, he could just barely see the lawn and only a vague outline of the wooden mansion.


Ahead of him, mrs. Venning paused suddenly.


“Someone has been here ahead of me.”


Jake looked where she was pointing. there were heavy tracks in the snow, a man’s tracks. It looked as though someone had passed through here, not once, but several times.

“是园丁吗?” 他满怀希望地提议道,“管理员?”

“A gardener?” he suggested hopefully. “caretaker?”

她摇了摇头。“冬天有一个管理员,但他只照看房子。除非……”—— 她皱起眉头 ——“他也在找同样的东西,否则没人会来这里。”

She shook her head. “there’s one caretaker in the winter but he only looks after the house. No one would ever e out here unless”—she frowned—“he was looking for the same thing.”


Jake’s unfortable suspicion that Editha Venning was mad was followed by an even more unfortable one that she was sane.

“也许你想回去?” 他焦急地问道。

“perhaps you’d like to go back?” he asked anxiously.


“No. I want to see for myself.”


She went on through the trees, following the tracks already made in the snow. After a moment’s hesitation, Jake followed her. he hoped that whoever had made those tracks was gone now.


once or twice she paused for a moment, as though listening. Jake paused, too. these woods were unfortably cold. he wished he had a drink, even Andy Ahearn’s gin. he wished helene were there. or he wished he were anywhere else in the world, and helene were there, too.


A heavy clump of bushes suddenly appeared to bar their progress. he had a faint hope that his panion would turn back now. Instead, she examined the obstruction for a moment, discovered an opening where the previous visitor had evidently pushed his way through, and went on. Jake groaned and followed.


At the other side of the bushes, he stopped dead in his tracks. Editha Venning was standing in a little clearing hedged by the bushes, and she was looking down on a grave.


It was an open grave, and an empty one.


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