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第8章 白雪皇后的七个故事



the Snow queen IN SEVEN StoRIES, 1845



“the Snow queen,” one of the great quest narratives of children’s literature, traces the paths of two children through wonders and marvels as they journey to the ends of the earth.


Although Kai and Gerda are not biological siblings, they are bonded as brother and sister.

在他们的旅行过程中,他们从童年步入青春期再成为成年人 —— 内心依然童真的成年人。

In the course of their travels, they pass from childhood through adolescence to bee adults—adults who remain children at heart.


their trial - ridden journey contains all the classic features of a fairy tale:


a courageous heroine who maintains her wits, melodramatic contests between good and evil, helpers and donors who aid the innocent heroine in her quest, villains with seductive powers, perilous journeys that lead to breathtaking adventures, and the triumph of the innocent and pure in heart over evil.


the fairy tale has also been framed as an allegory for adults, illustrating the dangerous seductions of science and reason and predicting their defeat by the life - giving forces of christian salvation.


“the Snow queen” operates on multiple levels, its simplicity concealing depth and plexity that yield new meanings with each reading.


much as Andersen explicitly endorses purity of soul and the faith, hope, and charity embodied in Gerda, he cannot but let slip one hint after another about the attractions of Kai’s existence in the realm of the Snow queen.

如果我们相信这个故事,我们会发现白雪皇后的王国被构建成一个具有极致唯美纯净的世界 —— 纯洁又感性、简约却奢华、有序但不羁。

If we trust the tale, we find that the realm of the Snow queen is constructed as a world of exquisite aesthetic purity—chaste and sensual, spare yet luxurious, and disciplined but undomesticated.


In the end, Gerda’s pious christian vision cannot always pete with the enchanting icy attractions available to Kai.


“when we read of Kai’s catastrophic predicament, the Snow queen herself seems to preempt the author, and only a rapturous sensuality seems adequate to convey her thrilling excesses of coldness,” one critic ments.


“And when Kai, now on solid ground, submits without volition to little Gerda’s wholesome and restorative kisses, we can’t help but listen for the thrum of the returning sled, in which we once soared through the air and submitted to the dizzying, promise - filled kisses of the Snow queen”.


Kai may not have the power to get back on the sled, but we get back on every time we turn the pages of “the Snow queen.”

安徒生将《白雪皇后》的创作描述为 “纯粹的快乐”:

Andersen described the writing of “the Snow queen” as “sheer joy”:


“It occupied my mind so fully that it came out dancing across the page.”


Although the story is one of the longest among his works, it took only five days to write.


It has danced its way to the top of the list of Andersen’s fairy tales and is seen by many as his greatest acplishment.

安徒生自己认为,他许多最优秀的故事是在 1841 年游历罗马、那不勒斯、君士坦丁堡和雅典之后写成的。

Andersen himself believed that many of his finest stories were written after travels to Rome, Naples, constantinople, and Athens in 1841.

他回到哥本哈根时,因与 “东方” 的邂逅而充满活力,并开始创作自己的故事,而不是依赖自己文化中的民间传说。

he returned to copenhagen reinvigorated by the encounter with the “orient” and began inventing his own tales rather than relying on the folklore of his culture.


Andersen believed that he had finally found his true voice, and “the Snow queen,” even if it does not mark a clean break with the earlier fairy tales, offers evidence of a more reflective style mitted to forging new mythologies rather than producing lighthearted entertainments.

安徒生这个故事最早的电影改编版是《白雪皇后》(Snezhnaya Koroleva),1957 年在苏联上映,1959 年出口到美国,由桑德拉?迪(Sandra dee)和汤米?柯克(tommy Kirk)配音。

the earliest film adaptation of Andersen’s tale was Snezhnaya Koroleva, released in the Soviet Union in 1957 and exported to America in 1959, with voices dubbed by Sandra dee and tommy Kirk.


Since then, four other films have been made, a second in the USSR, one in denmark, one in the United States, and one in the United Kingdom.







You must attend to the mencement of this story, for when we get to the end we shall know more than we do now about a very wicked hobgoblin;


he was one of the very worst, for he was a real demon.


one day, when he was in a merry mood, he made a looking - glass which had the power of making everything good or beautiful that was reflected in it almost shrink to nothing, while everything that was worthless and bad looked increased in size and worse than ever.


the most lovely landscapes appeared like boiled spinach, and the people became hideous, and looked as if they stood on their heads and had no bodies.


their countenances were so distorted that no one could recognize them, and even one freckle on the face appeared to spread over the whole of the nose and mouth.


the demon said this was very amusing.


when a good or pious thought passed through the mind of any one it was misrepresented in the glass;


and then how the demon laughed at his cunning invention.

所有去恶魔学校的人 —— 因为他开办了一所学校 —— 到处谈论他们所看到的奇观,并宣称人们现在才第一次看清世界和人类的真实模样。

All who went to the demon’s school — for he kept a school — talked everywhere of the wonders they had seen, and declared that people could now, for the first time, see what the world and mankind were really like.


they carried the glass about everywhere, till at last there was not a land nor a people who had not been looked at through this distorted mirror.


they wanted even to fly with it up to heaven to see the angels, but the higher they flew the more slippery the glass became, and they could scarcely hold it, till at last it slipped from their hands, fell to the earth, and was broken into millions of pieces.


but now the looking - glass caused more unhappiness than ever, for some of the fragments were not so large as a grain of sand, and they flew about the world into every country.


when one of these tiny atoms flew into a person’s eye, it stuck there unknown to him, and from that moment he saw everything through a distorted medium, or could see only the worst side of what he looked at, for even the smallest fragment retained the same power which had belonged to the whole mirror.


Some few persons even got a fragment of the looking - glass in their hearts, and this was very terrible, for their hearts became cold like a lump of ice.


A few of the pieces were so large that they could be used as window - panes;


it would have been a sad thing to look at our friends through them.


other pieces were made into spectacles;


this was dreadful for those who wore them, for they could see nothing either rightly or justly.

看到这一切,邪恶的恶魔笑得浑身发抖 —— 看到自己造成的恶果让他觉得很有趣。

At all this the wicked demon laughed till his sides shook — it tickled him so to see the mischief he had done.


there were still a number of these little fragments of glass floating about in the air, and now you shall hear what happened with one of them.


SEcoNd StoRY




In a large town, full of houses and people, there is not room for everybody to have even a little garden, therefore they are obliged to be satisfied with a few flowers in flower - pots.


In one of these large towns lived two poor children who had a garden something larger and better than a few flower - pots.


they were not brother and sister, but they loved each other almost as much as if they had been.


their parents lived opposite to each other in two garrets, where the roofs of neighboring houses projected out towards each other and the water - pipe ran between them.


In each house was a little window, so that any one could step across the gutter from one window to the other.


the parents of these children had each a large wooden box in which they cultivated kitchen herbs for their own use, and a little rose - bush in each box, which grew splendidly.


Now after a while the parents decided to place these two boxes across the water - pipe, so that they reached from one window to the other and looked like two banks of flowers.


Sweet - peas drooped over the boxes, and the rose - bushes shot forth long branches, which were trained round the windows and clustered together almost like a triumphal arch of leaves and flowers.


the boxes were very high, and the children knew they must not climb upon them, without permission, but they were often, however, allowed to step out together and sit upon their little stools under the rose - bushes, or play quietly.


In winter all this pleasure came to an end, for the windows were sometimes quite frozen over.


but then they would warm copper pennies on the stove, and hold the warm pennies against the frozen pane;


there would be very soon a little round hole through which they could peep, and the soft bright eyes of the little boy and girl would beam through the hole at each window as they looked at each other.


their names were Kay and Gerda.


In summer they could be together with one jump from the window, but in winter they had to go up and down the long staircase, and out through the snow before they could meet.

“看,白蜜蜂在成群飞舞呢。” 一天下雪的时候,凯的老祖母说道。

“See there are the white bees swarming,” said Kay’s old grandmother one day when it was snowing.


“have they a queen bee?”


asked the little boy, for he knew that the real bees had a queen.

“当然有了。” 祖母说。

“to be sure they have,” said the grandmother.


“She is flying there where the swarm is thickest.


She is the largest of them all, and never remains on the earth, but flies up to the dark clouds.


often at midnight she flies through the streets of the town, and looks in at the windows, then the ice freezes on the panes into wonderful shapes, that look like flowers and castles.”

“是的,我见过。” 两个孩子都说,他们知道这一定是真的。

“Yes, I have seen them,” said both the children, and they knew it must be true.


“can the Snow queen e in here?”


asked the little girl.

“只要她来,” 男孩说,“我就把她放在炉子上,然后她就会融化。”

“only let her e,” said the boy, “I’ll set her on the stove and then she’ll melt.”


then the grandmother smoothed his hair and told him some more tales.


one evening, when little Kay was at home, half undressed, he climbed on a chair by the window and peeped out through the little hole.


A few flakes of snow were falling, and one of them, rather larger than the rest, alighted on the edge of one of the flower boxes.


this snow - flake grew larger and larger, till at last it became the figure of a woman, dressed in garments of white gauze, which looked like millions of starry snow - flakes linked together.

她美丽动人,但却是冰做的 —— 闪闪发光的冰。

She was fair and beautiful, but made of ice — shining and glittering ice.


Still she was alive and her eyes sparkled like bright stars, but there was neither peace nor rest in their glance.


She nodded towards the window and waved her hand.


the little boy was frightened and sprang from the chair;


at the same moment it seemed as if a large bird flew by the window.


on the following day there was a clear frost, and very soon came the spring.


the sun shone;


the young green leaves burst forth;


the swallows built their nests;


windows were opened, and the children sat once more in the garden on the roof, high above all the other rooms.


how beautiful the roses blossomed this summer.


the little girl had learnt a hymn in which roses were spoken of, and then she thought of their own roses, and she sang the hymn to the little boy, and he sang too:




“Roses bloom and cease to be,

but we shall the christ - child see.”


then the little ones held each other by the hand, and kissed the roses, and looked at the bright sunshine, and spoke to it as if the christ - child were there.


those were splendid summer days.


how beautiful and fresh it was out among the rose - bushes, which seemed as if they would never leave off blooming.

一天,凯和格尔达坐着看一本满是动物和鸟类图片的书,就在教堂钟楼的钟敲响十二点的时候,凯说:“哦,有东西击中了我的心!” 不久之后又说:“我的眼睛里有东西。”

one day Kay and Gerda sat looking at a book full of pictures of animals and birds, and then just as the clock in the church tower struck twelve, Kay said, “oh, something has struck my heart!” and soon after, “there is something in my eye.”


the little girl put her arm round his neck, and looked into his eye, but she could see nothing.

“我想它已经走了。” 他说。

“I think it is gone,” he said.


but it was not gone;

这是那面镜子的碎片之一 —— 就是我们提到过的那面魔镜 —— 那面丑陋的镜子,它能让一切伟大和美好的事物显得渺小和丑陋,而所有邪恶和恶劣的东西变得更加明显,每一个小缺点都能清晰地被看到。

it was one of those bits of the looking - glass — that magic mirror, of which we have spoken — the ugly glass which made everything great and good appear small and ugly, while all that was wicked and bad became more visible, and every little fault could be plainly seen.


poor little Kay had also received a small grain in his heart, which very quickly turned to a lump of ice.


he felt no more pain, but the glass was there still.


“why do you cry?”


said he at last;


“it makes you look ugly.


there is nothing the matter with me now.

哦,看!” 他突然叫道,“那朵玫瑰有虫蛀了,这一朵也长得很弯。

“oh, see!” he cried suddenly, “that rose is worm - eaten, and this one is quite crooked.

毕竟它们是丑陋的玫瑰,就像它们生长的花盆一样。” 然后他用脚踢了踢花盆,还扯下了两朵玫瑰。

After all they are ugly roses, just like the box in which they stand,” and then he kicked the boxes with his foot, and pulled off the two roses.


“Kay, what are you doing?”


cried the little girl;


and then, when he saw how frightened she was, he tore off another rose, and jumped through his own window away from little Gerda.

当她后来拿出图画书时,他说:“这只适合裹着长衣服的婴儿看。” 当祖母讲故事的时候,他会用 “但是” 来打断她;

when she afterwards brought out the picture book, he said, “It was only fit for babies in long clothes,” and when grandmother told any stories, he would interrupt her with “but;”


or, when he could manage it, he would get behind her chair, put on a pair of spectacles, and imitate her very cleverly, to make people laugh.


by - and - by he began to mimic the speech and gait of persons in the street.


All that was peculiar or disagreeable in a person he would imitate directly, and people said, “that boy will be very clever;


he has a remarkable genius.”


but it was the piece of glass in his eye, and the coldness in his heart, that made him act like this.


he would even tease little Gerda, who loved him with all her heart.


his games, too, were quite different;


they were not so childish.


one winter’s day, when it snowed, he brought out a burning - glass, then he held out the tail of his blue coat, and let the snow - flakes fall upon it.

“格尔达,往这个镜子里看。” 他说;

“Look in this glass, Gerda,” said he;


and she saw how every flake of snow was magnified, and looked like a beautiful flower or a glittering star.


“Is it not clever?”


said Kay, “and much more interesting than looking at real flowers.


there is not a single fault in it, and the snow - flakes are quite perfect till they begin to melt.”


Soon after Kay made his appearance in large thick gloves, and with his sledge at his back.


he called up stairs to Ger达, “I’ve got to leave to go into the great square, where the other boys play and ride.”


And away he went.


In the great square, the boldest among the boys would often tie their sledges to the country people’s carts, and go with them a good way.


this was capital.


but while they were all amusing themselves, and Kay with them, a great sledge came by;


it was painted white, and in it sat some one wrapped in a rough white fur, and wearing a white cap.


the sledge drove twice round the square, and Kay fastened his own little sledge to it, so that when it went away, he followed with it.


It went faster and faster right through the next street, and then the person who drove turned round and nodded pleasantly to Kay, just as if they were acquainted with each other, but whenever Kay wished to loosen his little sledge the driver nodded again, so Kay sat still, and they drove out through the town gate.


then the snow began to fall so heavily that the little boy could not see a hand’s breadth before him, but still they drove on;


then he suddenly loosened the cord so that the large sled might go on without him, but it was of no use, his little carriage held fast, and away they went like the wind.


then he called out loudly, but nobody heard him, while the snow beat upon him, and the sledge flew onwards.


Every now and then it gave a jump as if it were going over hedges and ditches.


the boy was frightened, and tried to say a prayer, but he could remember nothing but the multiplication table.


the snow - flakes became larger and larger, till they appeared like great white chickens.


All at once they sprang on one side, the great sledge stopped, and the person who had driven it rose up.


the fur and the cap, which were made entirely of snow, fell off, and he saw a lady, tall and white, it was the Snow queen.

“我们驾得很好,” 她说,“但你为什么发抖呢?

“we have driven well,” said she, “but why do you tremble?


here, creep into my warm fur.”


then she seated him beside her in the sledge, and as she wrapped the fur round him he felt as if he were sinking into a snow drift.

“你还冷吗?” 她亲吻他的额头时问道。

“Are you still cold,” she asked, as she kissed him on the forehead.


the kiss was colder than ice;


it went quite through to his heart, which was already almost a lump of ice;


he felt as if he were going to die, but only for a moment;


he soon seemed quite well again, and did not notice the cold around him.

“我的雪橇!别忘了我的雪橇。” 这是他的第一个念头,然后他看了看,发现它被紧紧地绑在一只白色小鸡上,那只小鸡背着雪橇在他后面飞着。

“my sledge! don’t forget my sledge,” was his first thought, and then he looked and saw that it was bound fast to one of the white chickens, which flew behind him with the sledge at its back.


the Snow queen kissed little Kay again, and by this time he had forgotten little Gerda, his grandmother, and all at home.

“现在你不能再接受亲吻了,” 她说,“否则我会把你吻死的。”

“Now you must have no more kisses,” she said, “or I should kiss you to death.”


Kay looked at her, and saw that she was so beautiful, he could not imagine a more lovely and intelligent face;


she did not now seem to be made of ice, as when he had seen her through his window, and she had nodded to him.


In his eyes she was perfect, and she did not feel at all afraid.


he told her he could do mental arithmetic, as far as fractions, and that he knew the number of square miles and the number of inhabitants in the country.


And she always smiled so that he thought he did not know enough yet, and she looked round the vast expanse as she flew higher and higher with him upon a black cloud, while the storm blew and howled as if it were singing old songs.


they flew over woods and lakes, over sea and land;


below them roared the wild wind;


the wolves howled and the snow crackled;

黑色的乌鸦在他们头顶尖叫着飞过,而在一切之上,月亮明亮而皎洁地照耀着 —— 就这样凯度过了漫长的冬夜,白天他就睡在白雪皇后的脚边。

over them flew the black screaming crows, and above all shone the moon, clear and bright, — and so Kay passed through the long winter’s night, and by day he slept at the feet of the Snow queen.


thIRd StoRY


thE FLowER GARdEN oF thE womAN who coULd coNJURE


but how fared little Gerda during Kay’s absence?


what had bee of him, no one knew, nor could any one give the slightest information, excepting the boys, who said that he had tied his sledge to another very large one, which had driven through the street, and out at the town gate.


Nobody knew where it went;


many tears were shed for him, and little Gerda wept bitterly for a long time.


She said she knew he must be dead;


that he was drowned in the river which flowed close by the school.


oh, indeed those long winter days were very dreary.


but at last spring came, with warm sunshine.

“凯死了,走了。” 小格尔达说。

“Kay is dead and gone,” said little Gerda.

“我不相信。” 阳光说。

“I don’t believe it,” said the sunshine.

“他死了,走了。” 她对麻雀说。

“he is dead and gone,” she said to the sparrows.

“我们不相信。” 它们回答道;

“we don’t believe it,” they replied;


and at last little Gerda began to doubt it herself.

“我要穿上我的新红鞋,” 一天早晨她说,“凯还从未见过的那双,然后我要到河边去打听他的消息。”

“I will put on my new red shoes,” she said one morning, “those that Kay has never seen, and then I will go down to the river, and ask for him.”


It was quite early when she kissed her old grandmother, who was still asleep;


then she put on her red shoes, and went quite alone out of the town gates toward the river.


“Is it true that you have taken my little playmate away from me?”


said she to the river.


“I will give you my red shoes if you will give him back to me.”


And it seemed as if the waves nodded to her in a strange manner.


then she took off her red shoes, which she liked better than anything else, and threw them both into the river, but they fell near the bank, and the little waves carried them back to the land, just as if the river would not take from her what she loved best, because they could not give her back little Kay.


but she thought the shoes had not been thrown out far enough.


then she crept into a boat that lay among the reeds, and threw the shoes again from the farther end of the boat into the water, but it was not fastened.


And her movement sent it gliding away from the land.


when she saw this she hastened to reach the end of the boat, but before she could so it was more than a yard from the bank, and drifting away faster than ever.

然后小格尔达非常害怕,开始哭起来,但是除了麻雀没有人听到她的哭声,而麻雀又不能把她带到岸上,它们只是沿着岸边飞,唱歌,好像是在安慰她:“我们在这儿!我们在这儿!” 船顺流而下;

then little Gerda was very much frightened, and began to cry, but no one heard her except the sparrows, and they could not carry her to land, but they flew along by the shore, and sang, as if to fort her, “here we are! here we are!” the boat floated with the stream;


little Gerda sat quite still with only her stockings on her feet;


the red shoes floated after her, but she could not reach them because the boat kept so much in advance.


the banks on each side of the river were very pretty.


there were beautiful flowers, old trees, sloping fields, in which cows and sheep were grazing, but not a man to be seen.


perhaps the river will carry me to little Kay, thought Gerda, and then she became more cheerful, and raised her head, and looked at the beautiful green banks;


and so the boat sailed on for hours.


At length she came to a large cherry orchard, in which stood a small red house with strange red and blue windows.


It had also a thatched roof, and outside were two wooden soldiers, that presented arms to her as she sailed past.


Gerda called out to them, for she thought they were alive, but of course they did not answer;


and as the boat drifted nearer to the shore, she saw what they really were.


then Gerda called still louder, and there came a very old woman out of the house, leaning on a crutch.


She wore a large hat to shade her from the sun, and on it were painted all sorts of pretty flowers.

“你这个可怜的小小孩,” 老妇人说,“你是怎么在这么湍急的河流上漂流到这么远的广阔世界来的呢?”

“You poor little child,” said the old woman, “how did you manage to e all this distance into the wide world on such a rapid rolling stream?”


And then the old woman walked in the water, seized the boat with her crutch, drew it to land, and lifted Gerda out.


And Gerda was glad to feel herself on dry ground, although she was rather afraid of the strange old woman.

“过来告诉我你是谁,” 她说,“还有你是怎么到这儿来的。”

“e and tell me who you are,” said she, “and how came you here.”

然后格尔达把一切都告诉了她,老妇人一边听一边摇头,嘴里说着 “哼 — 哼”;

then Gerda told her everything, while the old woman shook her head, and said, “hem - hem;”


and when she had finished, Gerda asked if she had not seen little Kay, and the old woman told her he had not passed by that way, but he very likely would e.


So she told Gerda not to be sorrowful, but to taste the cherries and look at the flowers;


they were better than any picture - book, for each of them could tell a story.


then she took Gerda by the hand and led her into the little house, and the old woman closed the door.


the windows were very high, and as the panes were red, blue, and yellow, the daylight shone through them in all sorts of singular colors.


on the table stood beautiful cherries, and Gerda had permission to eat as many as she would.


while she was eating them the old woman bed out her long flaxen ringlets with a golden b, and the glossy curls hung down on each side of the little round pleasant face, which looked fresh and blooming as a rose.

“我一直盼望着有一个像你这样可爱的小姑娘,” 老妇人说,“现在你必须和我呆在一起,看看我们在一起生活会多么幸福。”

“I have long been wishing for a dear little maiden like you,” said the old woman, “and now you must stay with me, and see how happily we shall live together.”


And while she went on bing little Gerda’s hair, she thought less and less about her adopted brother Kay, for the old woman could conjure, although she was not a wicked witch;


she conjured only a little for her own amusement, and now, because she wanted to keep Gerda.


therefore she went into the garden, and stretched out her crutch towards all the rose - trees, beautiful though they were;


and they immediately sunk into the dark earth, so that no one could tell where they had once stood.


the old woman was afraid that if little Gerda saw roses she would think of those at home, and then remember little Kay, and run away.


then she took Gerda into the flower - garden.


how fragrant and beautiful it was! Every flower that could be thought of for every season of the year was here in full bloom;


no picture - book could have more beautiful colors.


Gerda jumped for joy, and played till the sun went down behind the tall cherry - trees;


then she slept in an elegant bed with red silk pillows, embroidered with colored violets;


and then she dreamed as pleasantly as a queen on her wedding day.


the next day, and for many days after, Gerda played with the flowers in the warm sunshine.


She knew every flower, and yet, although there were so many of them, it seemed as if one were missing, but which it was she could not tell.


one day, however, as she sat looking at the old woman’s hat with the painted flowers on it, she saw that the prettiest of them all was a rose.


the old woman had forgotten to take it from her hat when she made all the roses sink into the earth.


but it is difficult to keep the thoughts together in everything;


one little mistake upsets all our arrangements.


“what, are there no roses here?”


cried Gerda;


and she ran out into the garden, and examined all the beds, and searched and searched.


there was not one to be found.


then she sat down and wept, and her 眼泪 fell just on the place where one of the rose - trees had sunk down.


the warm tears moistened the earth, and the rose - tree sprouted up at once, as blooming as when it had sunk;


and Gerda embraced it and kissed the roses, and thought of the beautiful roses at home, and, with them, of little Kay.

“哦,我被耽搁了多久啊!” 小姑娘说,“我要去找小凯。

“oh, how I have been detained!” said the little maiden, “I wanted to seek for little Kay.


do you know where he is?”


she asked the roses;


“do you think he is dead?”


And the roses answered, “No, he is not dead.


we have been in the ground where all the dead lie;


but Kay is not there.”

“谢谢你。” 小格尔达说,然后她走向其他的花,看着它们的小花杯,问道:“你们知道小凯在哪里吗?”

“thank you,” said little Gerda, and then she went to the other flowers, and looked into their little cups, and asked, “do you know where little Kay is?”


but each flower, as it stood in the sunshine, dreamed only of its own little fairy tale of history.


Not one knew anything of Kay.


Gerda heard many stories from the flowers, as she asked them one after another about him.


And what, said the tiger - lily?

“听,你听到鼓声了吗?——‘咚,咚’—— 总是只有两个音符,‘咚,咚’。听听妇女们的哀歌!听听牧师的呼喊!穿着长长的红色长袍的印度寡妇站在火葬柴堆旁。

“hark, do you hear the drum?— ‘turn, turn,’ — there are only two notes, always, ‘turn, turn.’ Listen to the women’s song of mourning! hear the cry of the priest! In her long red robe stands the hindoo widow by the funeral pile.


the flames rise around her as she places herself on the dead body of her husband;


but the hindoo woman is thinking of the living one in that circle;


of him, her son, who lighted those flames.


those shining eyes trouble her heart more painfully than the flames which will soon consume her body to ashes.


can the fire of the heart be extinguished in the flames of the funeral pile?”

“我一点都不明白。” 小格尔达说。

“I don’t understand that at all,” said little Gerda.

“这就是我的故事。” 卷丹花说。

“that is my story,” said the tiger - lily.


what, says the convolvulus?


“Near yonder narrow road stands an old knight’s castle;


thick ivy creeps over the old ruined walls, leaf over leaf, even to the balcony, in which stands a beautiful maiden.


She bends over the balustrades, and looks up the road.


No rose on its stem is fresher than she;


no apple - blossom, wafted by the wind, floats more lightly than she moves.


her rich silk rustles as she bends over and exclaims, ‘will he not e?’


“Is it Kay you mean?”


asked Gerda.

“我只是在讲我梦中的一个故事。” 花儿回答道。

“I am only speaking of a story of my dream,” replied the flower.


what, said the little snow - drop?


“between two trees a rope is hanging;


there is a piece of board upon it;


it is a swing.


two pretty little girls, in dresses white as snow, and with long green ribbons fluttering from their hats, are sitting upon it swinging.


their brother who is taller than they are, stands in the swing;


he has one arm round the rope, to steady himself;


in one hand he holds a little bowl, and in the other a clay pipe;


he is blowing bubbles.


As the swing goes on, the bubbles fly upward, reflecting the most beautiful varying colors.


the last still hangs from the bowl of the pipe, and sways in the wind.


on goes the swing;


then a little black dog es running up.


he is almost as light as the bubble, and he raises himself on his hind legs, and wants to be taken into the swing;


but it does not stop, and the dog falls;


then he barks and gets angry.


the children stoop towards him, and the bubble bursts.

一块晃动的木板,一幅闪闪发光的泡沫小画 —— 这就是我的故事。”

A swinging plank, a light sparkling foam picture, — that is my story.”

“你给我讲的可能都很美妙,” 小格尔达说,“但是你讲得如此悲伤,而且你根本没有提到小凯。”

“It may be all very pretty what you are telling me,” said little Gerda, “but you speak so mournfully, and you do not mention little Kay at all.”


what do the hyacinths say?


“there were three beautiful sisters, fair and delicate.


the dress of one was red, of the second blue, and of the third pure white.


hand in hand they danced in the bright moonlight, by the calm lake;


but they were human beings, not fairy elves.


the sweet fragrance attracted them, and they disappeared in the wood;


here the fragrance became stronger.


three coffins, in which lay the three beautiful maidens, glided from the thickest part of the forest across the lake.


the fire - flies flew lightly over them, like little floating torches.


do the dancing maidens sleep, or are they dead?


the scent of the flower says that they are corpses.


the evening bell tolls their knell.”

“你让我很悲伤,” 小格尔达说;

“You make me quite sorrowful,” said little Gerda;


“your perfume is so strong, you make me think of the dead maidens.


Ah! is little Kay really dead then?


the roses have been in the earth, and they say no.”

“叮当,叮当,” 风信子的铃铛响着。

“cling, clang,” tolled the hyacinth bells.


“we are not tolling for little Kay;


we do not know him.


we sing our song, the only one we know.”


then Gerda went to the buttercups that were glittering amongst the bright green leaves.

“你们是小太阳,” 格尔达说;

“You are little bright suns,” said Gerda;


“tell me if you know where I can find my play - fellow.”


And the buttercups sparkled gayly, and looked again at Gerda.


what song could the buttercups sing?


It was not about Kay.


“the bright warm sun shone on a little court, on the first warm day of spring.


his bright beams rested on the white walls of the neighboring house;


and close by bloomed the first yellow flower of the season, glittering like gold in the sun’s warm ray.


An old woman sat in her arm chair at the house door, and her granddaughter, a poor and pretty servant - maid came to see her for a short visit.


when she kissed her grandmother there was gold everywhere:


the gold of the heart in that holy kiss;


it was a golden morning;


there was gold in the beaming sunlight, gold in the leaves of the lowly flower, and on the lips of the maiden.

好了,这就是我的故事,” 金凤花说。

there, that is my story,” said the buttercup.

“我可怜的老祖母!” 格尔达叹着气说;

“my poor old grandmother!” sighed Gerda;


“she is longing to see me, and grieving for me as she did for little Kay;


but I shall soon go home now, and take little Kay with me.


It is no use asking the flowers;


they know only their own songs, and can give me no information.”


And then she tucked up her little dress, that she might run faster, but the narcissus caught her by the leg as she was jumping over it;


so she stopped and looked at the tall yellow flower, and said, “perhaps you may know something.”


then she stooped down quite close to the flower, and listened;


and what did he say?

“我能看到我自己,我能看到我自己,” 水仙花说。

“I can see myself, I can see myself,” said the narcissus.


“oh, how sweet is my perfume! Up in a little room with a bow window, stands a little dancing girl, half undressed;


she stands sometimes on one leg, and sometimes on both, and looks as if she would tread the whole world under her feet.


She is nothing but a delusion.


She is pouring water out of a tea - pot on a piece of stuff which she holds in her hand;


it is her bodice.


‘cleanliness is a good thing,’ she says.


her white dress hangs on a peg;


it has also been washed in the tea - pot, and dried on the roof.


She puts it on, and ties a saffron - colored handkerchief round her neck, which makes the dress look whiter.


See how she stretches out her legs, as if she were showing off on a stem.


I can see myself, I can see myself.”

“我才不在乎这些呢,” 格尔达说,“你不用跟我讲这些东西。”

“what do I care for all that,” said Gerda, “you need not tell me such stuff.”


And then she ran to the other end of the garden.


the door was fastened, but she pressed against the rusty latch, and it gave way.


the door sprang open, and little Gerda ran out with bare feet into the wide world.


She looked back three times, but no one seemed to be following her.


At last she could run no longer, so she sat down to rest on a great stone, and when she looked round she saw that the summer was over, and autumn very far advanced.


She had known nothing of this in the beautiful garden, where the sun shone and the flowers grew all the year round.


“oh, how I have wasted my time?”


said little Gerda;


“it is autumn.

我不能再休息了,” 她站起来继续走。

I must not rest any longer,” and she rose up to go on.


but her little feet were wounded and sore, and everything around her looked so cold and bleak.


the long willow - leaves were quite yellow.


the dew - drops fell like water, leaf after leaf dropped from the trees, the sloe - thorn alone still bore fruit, but the sloes were sour, and set the teeth on edge.


oh, how dark and weary the whole world appeared!


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